It’s the New Year and I think it’s time for a political rant as I ponder some issues related to the Christian faith in our nation. However, I believe logic […]
A few years ago, BET had a commentary titled “Where Are the Grocery Stores in Black Neighborhoods?” One wonders whether anyone thinks that the absence of supermarkets […]
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia ran headlong into the leftist meat grinder by questioning whether college admission of blacks with academic achievement levels significantly lower than the [...]
Twas the week before Christmas, when all thro’ the House Paul Ryan and the Republicans were selling us out. Our hopes were so high; we felt change in the […]
Most college students do not belong in college. I am not by myself in this assessment. Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson said, “It’s time to drop the college-for-all [...]
Photo Source: Christian Science Monitor Earlier this year, my column asked, “Will the West Defend Itself?” I pointed out that America’s leftists and progressives believe that [...]
Barbara Kelley, Illustrator, Image from “College Where Free Speech Goes to Die. Recent events at the University of Missouri, Yale University and some other colleges demonstrate an ongoing [...]
Dear President Obama: You gave two speeches following the terrorist attacks in Paris, which took place on November the 15th. One was in Turkey at the G20 Summit and the […]
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION Supporting Professor Carol Swain (James Lopez, a student at Indiana University, started the online petition). We need a few more signatures to reach our [...]
Many of my columns speak highly of the wisdom of our nation’s founders. Every once in a while, I receive an ugly letter sarcastically asking what do I think of […]