Musings About The Week Before Christmas

 In Featured, Featured Contributors, Political Parties, U.S.

ChristmasTwas the week before Christmas, when all thro’ the House

Paul Ryan and the Republicans were selling us out.


Our hopes were so high; we felt change in the air

Imagine the surprise, our guys funded Obamacare.


Republicans say, “Can’t shut the government down.”

They fashion a budget and in more debt we drown.


This budget so frustrating, our heads could burst.

Republicans who won’t use the power of the purse.


We longed to hear some conservative chatter.

When all was said and done nothing really mattered.


Fast out of town, Congress left in a flash,

The lobbyist smiled; they had their cold cash.


No fight, no battle no courage to show.

Hard to believe the GOP could sink so low.


The Democrats got all they wanted, so it appears.

While our side once again caves in out of fear.


We want small government, nothing fancy,

But they give us a budget that thrills Nancy.


The Republicans have the majority, yes indeed

With this budget the senate is still run by Reed


Our border is open, it leaks like a sieve

And the budget say to illegals, “Come here to live.”


Obama’s partial amnesty, not constitutional law.

No problem here, our guys funded it all.


Illegals who are criminals run wild, it’s a pity,

But this budget still funds sanctuary cities


The illegals access entitlements, such smarties.

Proving Democrats to be the Santa Clause Party.



Terrorists rage on and expand their range.

Obama says the only real threat is climate change.


Two jihadists kill many, our nation is shook

Homeland security would not even check Facebook.


Terrorist threats and attacks are absolutely no fun.

Our president’s response, take away our guns.


ISIS seeks to infiltrate the ranks of the refugees;

Real danger, but Obama say, “Still come in, please.”


Terrorist can come in to our nation this way.

The GOP is only too happy with the budget to pay.


This bad budget has made many of us whine-Os,

Feeling we’ve been done in by bunch of RINOs


Republicans say, “Trust us, we’ll do you good.”

Off they go and fund Planned Parenthood.


John Boehner is gone, been placed on the shelf

Paul Ryan comes in like a sinister elf.


Hillary running, moving down the campaign trail,

But if a server can testify, she’ll in up in jail.


She deceives and lies, not speaking the truth.

Her future wardrobe is an orange jump suit.


From Secretary of State to a job that gives more,

But we all remember the Benghazi four.


A return to power, yes, the Clintons do yearn,

And we still remember a brunette intern.


Budget done, Obama to his Hawaii vacation,

While the Democrats danced in joy and celebration.


It’s not all hopeless, it’s not all bad news

Next year’s coming, and there’s a guy name Cruz.


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