I am re-posting this blog in honor of free speech in American. When I became a Christian, I did not check my constitutional rights at the door. Each reader can […]
It’s still early, but it looks like the Donald’s appeal is across party lines. I suspect any efforts Trump makes targeting black communities will be rewarded with support from the [...]
A recent New York Times article notes the rise of violent inner-city crime. Why should anyone with two grains of sense be surprised by the increase in crime? The so-called […]
Christians in Nashville have an opportunity to take a stand for righteousness on September 6th, by supporting a mayoral candidate who shares their values and principles. I believe David Fox […]
Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, writing in the September issue of The Atlantic, explain the concept of “microaggressions” and how efforts to create “safe spaces” can [...]
Are you wondering about the Donald Trump/Bill Clinton rumors? Here’s my two cents on the issue: Donald Trump is not a stupid man. If he and Bill Clinton are hatching […]
I am passing along this information for Lucy Karen Clay, founder of The Simplicity Project, and others who value the sanctity of human life. “John J. Hooker has sued the […]
I don’t know who created the above graphic, but it speaks volumes about the racist history of the Democratic Party and its total disregard for the sanctity of human life. […]
Photo Credit: Maria Boynton/CBS Local. It is time for Georgia and other Southern states to end the glorification of slavery and white supremacy, paid for and maintained, with the taxes […]
Folks, I wrote this article July 2015. Some people mocked me for writing this blog. Could Trump become our next president? Yes, he could! Stranger things have happened than the […]