2 Minutes to Think About It with Dr. Carol Swain: “The Bernie Effect” What explains the youthful crowds at the Bernie Sanders rallies? I grapple with the promise of free […]
Dear President Obama: You gave two speeches following the terrorist attacks in Paris, which took place on November the 15th. One was in Turkey at the G20 Summit and the […]
As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, we should reflect on our Christian heritage. Christianity’s virtues and principles anchored our nation with a system of ethics, values, and shared [...]
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes popularized the expression one shouldn’t shout fire in a crowded theatre, or at least one that doesn’t happen to be burning down. Free speech is an […]
Do you remember the good old days when you would turn on the television and be able to watch television shows that portrayed the police as the good guys, the […]
In the old story we learn that the emperor has no clothes. In President Obama’s America, we see that the emperor has no leg. No leg to stand on when […]
2 Minutes to Think About It with Dr. Carol Swain: How Barack Obama Became the Leader of the Free World? [kaltura-widget uiconfid=”11601142″ entryid=”0_7hce78cg” [...]
2 Minutes to Think About It with Dr. Carol Swain: Memphis Teens Gone Wild: What Can We Do? [kaltura-widget uiconfid=”11601142″ entryid=”0_4xptpf9g” width=”400″ [...]