2 Minutes to Think About It: The Emperor Has No Leg

 In Radio, U.S.

In the old story we learn that the emperor has no clothes. In President Obama’s America, we see that the emperor has no leg. No leg to stand on when it comes to his executive action on immigration granting a pseudo legal status to five million, otherwise illegal aliens living and working in the United States. His pen, his charming smile, and perhaps some left wing pixie dust thrown in for good measure are not enough to make this right.

In a speech made in Nashville on December 9th, President Obama was speaking on this very topic, stating that we as a nation must be fair and compassionate to those who seek entry into our country. It all sounds so good; showing the best of America’s caring and compassion. The whole “give me your tired, your poor, and your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” sort of thing. While we are still that nation, we are also a nation that respects the rule of law with the Constitution being the final measure for law in our nation. The plain words of the Constitution keep presidents from governing based totally on vague and undefinable concepts such as “fair,” which seems to be one of our President’s favorite words to throw around. Learn this quickly, Mr. President, for all our sakes. Life is unfair. Your misguided efforts to make us all the same do more harm than good. It tips the balance in favor of some other unfortunate group. We want those huddled masses; we just want them to come legally.

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