One of the things that separate us here in the US from the Third World backwaters presided over by tribal warlords is the rule of law; well that, indoor plumbing […]
There was a time when glamour, elegance and glass were the hallmarks of the Oscars. We can say that no more. In the good old days, stars were dressed in […]
Despite all the pressing problems in the world, the Sunday news shows were dominated by the Giuliani comment about whether President Obama loves America. Of course, Obama doesn’t love [...]
Well, we’re barely into this new Republican-controlled Congress, and the fun has already started. Republicans seeking to curtail President Obama’s executive action on immigration have run into [...]
Tammy Wynette popularized the song “Stand by your Man.” The song came to life yesterday when the Republican women in Congress opted to stand behind Speaker Boehner despite the fact [...]
Justice is not blind and the world is not fair. We see this in the political world where on some issues Republicans who run afoul of the law seem to […]
Do you approve or disapprove of the GOP’s new spending bill that gives nearly 1 billion dollars to educate, train, and resettle persons granted legal status under the President’s executive […]
Political scandals have been with us pretty much as long as there has been politics. From the excesses of the Roman emperors to the scandals in our own nation, which, […]
You remember those kids when you were growing up. The ones who would always either throw their cards in the air or mess up all of the playing pieces just […]
Well, the pollsters have polled, the voters have voted, the talking heads have talked, and now we know the results. America sent Washington a clear message that we are sick […]