Houston Mayor Annise Parker and the Madness of the LBGT Agenda

 In Be The People TV, Religion, U.S.

Is this America or the old USSR? A couple of weeks ago, Annise Parker, the lesbian mayor of Houston, Texas, sought to subpoena the sermons of Christian pastors in her city to make sure none were condemning her lifestyle. Fortunately, the uproar across the nation caused Parker to back down.

Whatever happened to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly in this nation? These are rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If you have been watching the news lately, you are seeing case after case where members of the LBGT community have used their capture of parts of the judicial system to force Christian pastors and business owners to engage in activities that violate their consciences. This is clearly a case of the tail wagging the dog. Christians have allowed a tiny minority of activists to press their radical agenda into our faces. We can blame ourselves, as well as a President who lied to the American people to win election. Once elected, our President has imposed his radical agendas on our military, our schools, and now our churches and businesses. We the People must not allow fear and political correctness to dictate our response. Like the Founding Fathers we must be willing to risk our lives, our reputations, and our livelihood for the cause of religious liberty.

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