Make Room for the Praying Atheist

 In Be The People TV, Featured, Religion, U.S.

City council meetings are taking on a whole new dimension.  In some cities, atheists have demanded and won the right to offer opening invocations.

Usually when we think of being led in prayer the idea of humbling ourselves before almighty God as we come into his holy presence is front and center in our minds.  Well in an apparent effort to be inclusive and avoid a constitutional challenge, the invocation at the city council meeting at Lake Worth, FL was led by an atheist? Yup, you heard it correctly; a praying atheist.  Now you might think that all an atheist would have to say when it comes to prayer would be something on the order of, “To whom it may or may not be concerned, let’s get this meeting over so we don’t miss out on Monday night football ok? “  But Nooo, this atheist’s idea of prayer was a smug, self-serving, sarcastic slap in the face to just about any deity you could name including, of course, Jesus Christ.  After acknowledging  Satan, Zeus, Allah, Thor, and a few others, the atheist petitioner went on to state how anything creative or productive to come out of civilization these few thousand years come to us via the same, rational logic of those wonderful atheists who have kept us from sliding into chaos and superstition.  Science and reason were the real Gods, he unknowingly worshiped.

Pity he failed to mention that most of the great scientists of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, were in fact dedicated Christian believers.  Folks like Sir Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Robert Boyle, and Sir Isaac Newton. Atheists don’t like to mention little details like these.  Secretly, I think atheists want what Christians have.  They tip their hand when they seek to get in on the action. Pardon me, but I can’t stop thinking of the joke about the dead atheist lying in a funeral home, all dressed up with no place to go.

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