What’s in a Name?: The Redskins’ Hot Potato

 In Be The People TV

Well the pc police are at it again, making sure our delicate ears don’t hear horribly offensive words like “redskins”, oh the horror!! This one you may have heard of if you are a football fan as it’s been an ongoing saga for quite some time. The argument is, as it always is, the name “redskins” is racist and therefore must be changed.

The FCC has even muscled into the fight saying they are considering banning the use of the word in broadcasts, therefore putting additional pressure on team owner Dan Snyder to change the team’s name.  Snyder said in an interview with ESPN that redskin was a term of honor and respect.

Is this just another case of political correctness run amuck? More than likely, unfortunately for Snyder though, the vultures are already circling. The US patent office cancelled the team’s trademarks in June of this year and the governor of Maryland where the team plays says they need a name change. The governor by the way is looking at a possible run for the democratic presidential nomination in 16. So what of the term “redskin”, is it racist?  Ives Goddard of the Smithsonian, a noted language scholar, says that as early as the 1760’s Native Americans were using the term to describe themselves. So do we let the government bully pulpit determine the outcome? How about we trust the free market in the form of you and me with our remote controls to decide this one?

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