We will be discussing college students in California who reject living with white roommates. I will also be sharing my views on Mr. Trump’s efforts to reach African Americans. Black […]
Clay Travis lost a $3,000 gig with Jack Daniels because of writing the politically incorrect blog excerpted below: Vanderbilt University, my law school and graduate degree alma mater, became the [...]
The House Oversight Committee has released a damning video in which they demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made false statements during her [...]
One of the unavoidable consequences of youth is the tendency to think behavior we see today has always been. I’d like to dispute that vision, at least as it pertains […]
President Obama is about to reach his goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees by the end of September. Under his tutelage, the number of Muslims in the U.S. has grown […]
The conventions are over and the 2016 presidential campaign is under way. A lot is being said about radical Islamic terrorism. This is the phrase Obama has difficulty uttering and […]
Jason Riley, “Why Trump Shouldn’t Write Off the Black Vote,” Wall Street Journal, August 3, 2016 . . .”When Donald Trump decided to run for president as a Republican, he […]
When I viewed Dinesh D’souza’s film, Hillary’s America, it struck me that Saul Alinski revealed in an interview with Playboy Magazine that he defrauded the Chicago University cafeteria [...]