Watch Sheriff David Clarke Expose the Truth About Ferguson’s Troublemakers
Watch this rousing video of Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke telling an audience at the National Press Club (9/17/14) about outside agitators who have used Michael Brown’s death for political purposes. In addition to calling out Attorney General Eric Holder and Al Sharpton for making matters worse with self-serving rhetoric, Sheriff Clarke noted the presence of outside groups like the New Black Panther Group and the Worker’s World Party that have “descended on Ferguson like vultures on a roadside carcass.” Clarke spoke last September. More recently, we have just witnessed the havoc that outside groups can wreak on vulnerable communities by stirring up hatred and violent opportunism.
Despite the growing evidence that the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative was a false account, blacks across the country continue to protest Brown’s death, and the President has made the issue one of national importance. There is a political agenda, and a group of operatives who have a powerful incentive to keep blacks agitated and frustrated. The end goal is to disrupt America.