BAD NEWS!: Charisma House Press Cancels Book Contract for WHO’S STEALING OUR KIDS?

 In Featured, News, Political Parties, Religion, U.S.

Whos Stealing Our Kids - Dec7

On Monday, April 25, 45 days before publication and two weeks after marketing materials had been mailed and the book typeset, Steve Feazel and I were notified that Charisma House Press was pulling the plug on our book due to be released on June 7. We were shocked. I have published or edited six books with major publishers. The Charisma House Press book would have been my seventh book. I have never experienced nor heard of anything like that happening to an author so late in the publishing cycle. Our book, Who’s Stealing Our Kids?, was killed so quickly, it is still listed on Amazon as available for sale. This is a highly unusual situation.

Although most publishing contracts have an escape clause, it is usually not exercised after the publisher has sent a marketing plan, posters, banners, and postcards. In fact, Steve and I were told to start promoting the book. Steve appeared on a television show, and I distributed postcards and shared about the book at a reception (April 24) that followed a weekend of ministry at First Pentecostal Church in Huntingdon, TN. As late as the Friday before the conference call (April 22), the publisher was supporting the marketing of the book.


Pulling the plug on Monday, April 25th helped me avoid lugging the book’s marketing materials to this past weekend’s Global Media Summit in Dallas (April 28-May 1).

We do not know why Charisma House Publishing ditched our book without warning. I suspect politics was involved. I will allow you to conduct your own investigations. The decision makes absolutely no sense from a marketing prospective. Steve and I plan to help other authors avoid what happened to us. Therefore, we are planning to write a blog with advice that might help other Christian authors protect themselves from situations like ours. We have no worries about our manuscript being published. We have two new potential publishers interested in the book. We will sign a new contract soon. In the meantime, we are fully trusting God in this situation. The unexpected delay gives us an excellent opportunity to change the book title and cover.

We know our book is important and urgent for our times. We have posted a description below. We are asking for your prayers and assistance when the new book is published. We will need you to help us get the new book into the hands of parents, teachers, politicians, and policymakers. We will also need volunteers to review the book for Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.


America is engaged in a cultural war in which competing forces seek to win the hearts, minds and values of today’s young people in a manner the mainstream media won’t touch. The book exposes this conflict amid the devious manipulations of the liberal Left. It focuses on key areas where the clash between present-day good and evil is most intense:

Contemporary Music
Judicial Decisions

Each chapter features a positive example of how people are fighting back against the New Morality and the advancement of radical, soul-less Liberalism.

FPC2 Moore family

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