Dueling Swain Cartoons: P. Maudit Weighs In on Vanderbilt Controversy
Here’s something you don’t often see – a political cartoon counterpunch to an earlier lampoon sketch published by a different source. Competing comic strips? Apparently, and both involve yours truly. The black and white one that depicts me in an unflattering light with racially stereotypical features appeared earlier this month in the Vanderbilt Hustler.
This was in the wake of my Jan. 16 Tennessean op-ed piece slamming Islam, labeled, among things, as “hate speech” by critics that included presumably enlightened Vanderbilt students. This more recent cartoon, showing me as the woman in red (eat your heart out, Kelly Lebrock!) was sent to me Sunday as a preview to its upcoming publication in The American Dissident. The artist, G. Tod Slone, PhD, who goes by the pen name P. Maudit, tells me, “It’s quite rare that I do a positive cartoon on a professor… and I have drawn well over 200 on professors. Kudos to you for your bold statement on Islam. Vive Charlie Hebdo!” Keep an eye out for it at www.theamericandissident.org.